(And the shape of the letter is more rounded than previously.) At figure 17 of the assyrian (eastern) page the 2 dots no longer appear side by side. In the Turoyo (western) page there's an example of SHIN in the first large orange word, which appears to be smudged in the new font. In the same paragraph, another ligature no longer forms (at the end of the word). These differences appear throughout the page.
Also, the diacritics have lost the old rounded shape and become just lines (which i don't think is correct - there are many diacritics in Syriac and dots are different to lines). In that same example, the high diacritic on the initial letter has fallen down a bit. The ligature for aleph after lam isn't produced in the new font. See the example in the text just above figure 22 of the Eastern page. The older webfont produced nice connections, but the new font appears not to connect. the new version of the font doesn't handle tatweel properly.
Images are screenshots of the page with the old font first, then the page with the new. Mostly, looks good, but i found the following. I did some informal testing against and (and set them to use webfonts derived from the original Noto Sans Syriac Eastern font).